You are currently browsing the archives for April, 2010.

Baby Bear Standing!

posted in: milestones, Shobe Bear (Tags: , ) - No Comments

For a few seconds at a time, anyway 😀

Girl Bear just got more courageous about letting go of whatever she’s holding on to at the moment.

Moments like this, Papa Bear and I just try to savor the moment, as we know that her days of babyhood are definitely numbered.

Pretty soon, she’ll be walking on her own.  I’m excited and sad at the same time.

Where Is?

posted in: conversations, Kuya Bear (Tags: , , ) - No Comments

Mama Bear:  E, you want to watch Madagascar?

Kuya Bear:  Where’s Madagascar?

Papa Bear:  On the other side of the world.

Kuya Bear:  Where’s the world?

Papa Bear:  In the solar system.

Kuya Bear:  Where’s the solar system?

Mama Bear:  In the Milky way

Kuya Bear:  Where’s the Milky Way?

Papa Bear:  In the Universe.

Kuya Bear:  Where’s the Universe?

Papa Bear:  In the Hand of God.

Kuya Bear:  Where is God?

Papa Bear:  In Heaven.

Kuya Bear:  Where is Heaven?

Papa Bear:  Only God knows… Halika na nga!
