You are currently browsing posts tagged ‘benign febrile convulsion’

Another hospital trip

posted in: Shobe Bear, sick bear (Tags: ) - No Comments

My little baby Bear got admitted last week because she had another bout of benign febrile convulsion.

As doctors, we know that it’s really nothing to be worried about, but it really is different if the child involved is your own.

Oh well, she’s all better now, like nothing ever happened to send us parents into a tizzy.

I really hope this would be the last time that this would happen to her.  Believe me, it can look VERY scary, to see your little baby having an episode and wondering what you’ve done (or not done) wrong.

Baby Bears Got Sick :(

posted in: sick bear (Tags: , ) - 2 Comments

It was a rough week for the Bear family.  First, Boy Bear got cough, cold, then moderate grade fever.  Then, when it seemed that he was getting better, Girl Bear suddenly had convulsions. It turned out that she had fever at the time of the seizure.  Papa Bear and Mama Bear had to bring her to the emergency room.

The fever climbed p to 39.9 degrees with no obvious focus of infection. CBC and urinalysis were not suggestive of bacterial infection.  Since Boy Bear got rashes the day after Girl Bear got admitted, we began to suspect roseola infantum.

After more than 3 days of fever, the rashes finally appeared and the temperature went down.  What a relief to know that it’s nothing serious!